Buildings and Places, Cost Management, People Spotlight

Our People Spotlight series 让您深入了解我们在loveBet爱博体育下载各地的技术专家. This week, 我们重点介绍了一位来自荷兰建筑+场所业务的成本经理,并提供了对他们的灵感和工作的见解. 

Vincent Liebenberg在包括基础设施在内的多个领域拥有大约20年的工作经验, theme parks, 包括伦敦在内的全球住宅和酒店项目, Dubai and Egypt. 他和他的工料测量师和成本经理团队负责项目和内部成本和商业任务的管理, 并为公营机构提供合约前及合约后服务, mixed use, commercial, residential, 而工业项目作为项目管理的一部分-施工管理或仅为施工管理服务. 

Tell us about what inspired you to join the industry. 

From a young age, 我知道我想在一个能为我提供多样化和具有挑战性的职业的部门工作——更重要的是, the opportunity to work internationally. My original plan was to pursue medicine, 但我姐姐决定学习工料测量时,激起了我对建筑职业的兴趣. 在南非完成学业后,我立即搬到伦敦开始我的职业生涯. 

What I really enjoy about this sector is the variety of work; you can choose to specialize in a specific sector, or you can move across sectors and locations. I thrive off variety and challenge, 所以我从一开始就知道后一种方法更适合我. 

As you jump between financial and contractual issues on projects, you must adapt and be like a chameleon. 我真的很喜欢跨部门工作,因为它能让你找到自己的最佳位置. 作为个人,在一个新的领域中多样化也有助于促进成长,而且很可能你会走上一条陡峭的学习曲线.  

AECOM最伟大的是有机会与我们在全球各地的卓越中心合作. 这确保了真正的协作方法,并对项目的成功产生积极影响. Being able to draw from specialist design, high-rise, urban development, sustainability or new technology teams, to name a few, 使我们能够为客户提供在国内市场可能无法获得的专业知识. Similarly, sharing improved strategies, risk assessments, 实时的态势感知增强了AECOM的业务线. 

What I really enjoy about this sector is the variety of work; you can choose to specialize in a specific sector, or you can move across sectors and locations. I thrive off variety and challenge, 所以我从一开始就知道后一种方法更适合我.

As you jump between financial and contractual issues on projects, you must adapt and be like a chameleon.”

What is your favorite AECOM project that you’ve worked on and why? 

很难只选择一个,所以我想强调两个. The first being the YVIE Complex, which was the reason I joined AECOM. It’s an incredibly complex landmark project in Amsterdam-Noord, the Dutch capital’s coolest neighbourhood.  

一旦建成,YVIE综合体将成为欧洲会议和其他活动的重要场所. 位于阿姆斯特丹北部快速发展的Overhoeks区, YVIE综合体包含一座住宅和酒店塔楼,将成为阿姆斯特丹第三高的建筑. 这是一个真正的荣幸,有机会为这样一个规模的项目做出贡献,将改变城市的动态. 

I’ve also enjoyed the challenge of the project. Our scope spans project, contract, construction and design management, health and safety oversight, planning, cost control, and quality control. We are also managing design and scope changes, claims assessment, negotiation of revised contract terms, closing final accounts, overseeing the contractor’s schedule, and tracking milestones against onsite progress. 

This project survived the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, as well as exceptional inflation and, consequently, time delays. 对于项目团队和我们的客户来说,克服了这些前所未有的事件的复杂影响,这是一个“荣誉”. 

我想强调的第二个项目与YVIE Complex项目相比,时间短,节奏快. 我们的成本管理团队被邀请为新加坡的一个客户进行资产评估. 我们的客户主管在伦敦,我在荷兰提供支持. 这是三个不同地区三角合作的一个很好的例子. Projects like this provide variety and hone dormant skillsets. A lot of the projects that I work on have long lead times, so I really enjoyed having something new and quick to turn around. 这个项目证明,疫情演变了我们在任何规模的远程项目上合作的方式, 因为它让我有机会与全球不同的同事和客户一起工作.

第一个是YVIE综合体,这也是我加入AECOM的原因. It’s an incredibly complex landmark project in Amsterdam-Noord, the Dutch capital’s coolest neighbourhood. 一旦建成,YVIE综合体将成为欧洲会议和其他活动的重要场所. 位于阿姆斯特丹北部快速发展的Overhoeks区, YVIE综合体包含一座住宅和酒店塔楼,将成为阿姆斯特丹第三高的建筑. 这是一个真正的荣幸,有机会为这样一个规模的项目做出贡献,将改变城市的动态.

我想强调的第二个项目与YVIE Complex项目相比,时间短,节奏快. 我们的成本管理团队被邀请为新加坡的一个客户进行资产评估. 我们的客户主管在伦敦,我在荷兰提供支持. 这是三个不同地区三角合作的一个很好的例子.”


I would again like to highlight the YVIE complex project, which aims to make Amsterdam Central a destination point. 前往YVIE园区的人们将乘坐渡轮接近该开发项目, 这是一个以城市风景为背景的完美拍照机会.  

It’s a project that looks at future mobility, aiming to improve the daily commute, and create a get-together point on the other side of the city. It will transform the area, 提高了社区的生活质量,吸引了更多的人来这里参观, work and live. 这个项目是一个新的区域总体规划的未来客流量的推动者, which can only happen if you have anchor attractions. 

The YVIE Complex project is set to advance future mobility, aiming to improve the daily commute, and create a get-together point on the other side of the city. It will transform the area, 提高了社区的生活质量,吸引了更多的人来这里参观, work and live.”

Share a piece of career advice. 

找一个适合你性格的职业,因为这将确保它的寿命和你的乐趣. For me, that’s a career that provides a variety of working environments, balancing being in the office and on site. 

Finally, as per a quote from Sir Richard Branson, 我建议坚持边缘,而不是在中间变得熟悉. 它更有可能引导你承担新的责任,帮助你的职业发展. 

Originally published Apr 3, 2024

Author: Vincent Liebenberg